Emily Bennett Beck holds a B.A. in Studio Art and Psychology from St. Olaf College, and an M.A., and M.F.A. in Painting from the University of Wisconsin- Madison.
She has exhibited throughout the United States, including cities such as: Madison, Minneapolis, New Jersey, and New York, and internationally in Montreal, Canada.
She has shown recently in Tiara Non-Grata a show with fellow painter Erin Goedtel which opened September 7th, 2013 at SOO VIsual Arts Center in Minneapolis. Recently she also participated in Kolman Pryor Gallery's Juicey Steak Mustache group exhibition.
She was also in a show entitled "Fame and Notoriety" at Rutgers University’s Paul Robeson Galleries, and was selected by curator Bartholomew Ryan (of the Walker Art Center) for "Untitled 8," a group exhibition at Soo Visual Arts Center in Minneapolis in 2011.
In 2011 She was accepted into the NYFA MARK program, and participated in a residency at the The Arts Retreat of the New York Mills Regional Cultural Center in 2013.
She has taught at the University of Wisconsin- Madison, St. Lawrence University, SUNY Potsdam and Clarkson University and currently teaches at the University of Wisconsin- Stout.
Emily may be reached at: emilybennettbeck@gmail.com
Brief Statement
My work focuses on our culture’s love affair with the pop culture media and seeks to hold a mirror up to our fixations. It exposes in an over the top way, certain hungers and contradictions that are evident through our less venerable entertainments and interests. It also seeks to examine how our subtly changing views on our cultural history expose and illustrate the truths we’d like to forget, and more idealized alternatives to the past and present that we find ourselves wanting to imagine.
Recent Shows
Emily Bennett Beck